coronavirus and the World

COVID 19: Countries easing lockdown around the world

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Johnson Dike


 coronavirus and the World


A lengthen lockdown does have huge and diverse impact on countries and several countries are looking for ways to mitigate the impacts . 

Meanwhile, World Health Organization has said countries that ease restrictions should wait at least two weeks to evaluate the impact, before taking further action.

The list of countries in the World easing off lockdowns are:

Spain: From May 2 Spaniards will be allowed to leave their homes for short walks and exercise 

Austria: Reopening is to be done in stages over the coming weeks. All stores can reopen on May 2, followed by restaurants in mid-May, provided the pandemic remains under control.

Switzerland: On April 27 hairdressers, florists, and garden centres began to open. Then schools could reopen on 11 May. Bars and restaurants will remain closed until at least 8 June.


Italy: From May 4, parks and gardens will reopen, funerals will be allowed, and people will be able to visit relatives in the same region. Stores and museums will open 18 May, and restaurants, cafes and salons on 1 June

South Africa: Lockdown moved to level 3 with more people returning to work, domestic travel permitted but fewer airlines running during the day and people are allowed to come out for exercises.

Finland: Schools and public places will open from May 13

Germany: Lockdown eased from 27 April. Gatherings are still limited to no more than two people, bars and restaurants are closed and schools shut. Officials will review the situation again on 30 April.

Saudi Arabia

Ghana: announced that domestic flight will resume and several other airports will be disinfected in preparation. Social distancing will be practised among passengers and the use of hand sanitiser and masks ensured by airlines.

Denmark: Schools for certain ages have opened and other facilities remain shut

Czech Republic: Universities will reopen this week, essential travels are now allowed, as well as restrictions on meetings of two to 10 people.


Slovenia: On 4 May, hairdressers and beauty parlours can reopen. People still need to wear face masks in an indoor public space

Poland: Schools and boarders will open from May 3

China: Wuhan where the pandemic broke out has opened full time as well as other cities and the country aims to fully resume rail, flight and freight operations by the end of this month


India: Small shops with a 50% reduction in staff are allowed to open and also maintenance of physical distancing, and wearing masks and gloves during work. Larger shops are to reopen when the lockdown ends on 3 May (today)

Nigeria: The Government has eased the lockdown in FCT, Lagos and Ogun as well as the rest of the states from May 4 with a curfew imposed from 6am-8pm. Everyone is encouraged to wear a Mask when leaving their homes. Social and religious gatherings remain closed.


New Zealand: From Wednesday, Primary schools will reopen but attendance would be voluntary. Some business can reopen, including drive-through and delivery restaurants. Malls and retail stores will remain closed and large gatherings banned.

Belgium: Lockdown relaxation starts on 4 May with the return of non-essential businesses and Bars and restaurants can start reopening on 8 June

Spaniards outside their balcony
Spaniards outside their balcony with the caption “stay at home” in English and Spanish 

Iran: Iranians have returned to shops, bazaars and parks over the past week but ban on schools, universities, as well as religious and sports gatherings continued. 

Singapore: From May 4 lockdown eases with the wearing of masks mandatory for people outside of their homes

Portugal: Will re-open from May 2

Japan: Japan’s government will seek to extend the country’s nationwide state of emergency to May 31 

Canada: Some of Canada’s 10 provinces have announced plans to gradually reopen their economies with social distancing and protective equipment in workplaces. And the economy will slowly begin on 4 May

Greece: Opened April 27th

Argentina will open from 10 May




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