Schools cannot open now-PTF

Reading Time: < 1 minutes


Amina Sabo Abuja,

The Presidential Task Force(PTF) on COVID-19 has stated that schools cannot reopen now.

its decision is part of the measures being taken to protect vulnerable Nigerians who may have some underlying infections so as not to infect others.

Dr. Sani Aliyu, National Coordinator of the PTF, said the Presidential Task Force PTF, was working hand in hand with the Ministry of Education to figure out a resumption plan for schools.

The delay in setting a resumption date is because it is not yet safe and the government is protecting Nigerians and urging them to stay home for now

He said that the reopening of schools will be toughly considered especially for those who have exams to write “we don’t want what has happened to affect the next academic session”.

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