NBA synergizes with NHRC,NAPTIP and Police against rape

Reading Time: 2 minutes

By George Samuel Abuja 

The Abuja branch of the Nigerian Bar Association has expressed its readiness to collaborate with the National Human rights Commission (NHRC), National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) and the Nigeria Police Force (NPF) in the fight against rape, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV).


The branch paid a solidarity visit to the Inspector General of Police alongside the Executive Secretary of the NHRC and the Director General of NAPTIP in line with the Federal Government directive that all hands should be on deck to make sure that the issue of rape and SGBV is stamped out.




The Vice-Chairman of the Branch, Chioma Onyenucheya-Uko when addressing the press, stated that we all need to do our bit to fight against rape and SGBV because when it affects one it affects us all. She also stated that in order to groom a wholesome society that each of us can thrive in our elements, we need to stamp out every form of violence, every form of crime and everything that reduces the dignity of a person. She reiterated that the collaboration is a strong statement to say that all hands are on deck and nothing will go un-turned towards pursuing this cause.

The vice-chairman also reaffirmed that the Nigerian Bar Association will continue to do all within its powers to help stamp out rape and SGBV in Nigeria. In her words “We are watching and taking up actions and whoever sees or hears or suffers any of these violations should not hesitate to speak to the NBA. We are ready and we are willing to do whatever we can to help the citizens get their due rights respected and protected.”


The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Frank Mba representing the IGP in his welcome address reaffirmed the commitment of the NPF to partner with every positive minded Nigerian to do whatever is legally permissible, to do whatever is administratively and operationally possible to ensure that we reduce rape and other forms of sexual violence to their barest minimum. In his address, he challenged other citizens to take a cue what the NBA and other organisations are doing to break the conspiracy of silence.

On the other hand, the Publicity Secretary of NBA Abuja Branch Ikemefuna Onyeka reaffirm the readiness of the association to partner with media houses in disseminating necessary informations on rape and SGBV.

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