Demolition: We will not engage in a fight with Ghana-Presidency

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Following the demolition of some apartments of the Nigerian High Commission on Friday, after claims from a business man that the staff quarters was built on his land, the Presidency has stated that issue will be resolved diplomatically with Ghana.

The Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, told State House Correspondents that Nigeria will not engage in street fight with Ghana over the issue.

“Nigeria will not engage in a street fight with Ghana. This cannot happen. So, the two leaders, especially President Muhammadu Buhari, who is much respected in Africa, they all call him ‘Baba’ (Father), so he is bound to show restraint.

“Matters such as this when they arise, it is always better when they arise, they should be resolved diplomatically.

“No, there shouldn’t be a fight between Nigeria and Ghana, this will not happen,” Shehu said.

Ghana’s President Nana Akufo-Addo on Tuesday called President Muhammadu Buhari to tender a heartfelt apology.

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