A Vote For A Nigerian President Of South East Extraction by Malam Isah Ibrahim 

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Today the global trend is towards collective action, expressed through democratic tenets and principles.

In this wise, our efforts in ensuring peace, progress and development achieved 60 years since Nigeria independence should not be seen to be relenting. Most of our expectations has been almost fully realized. We have witnessed an unprecedented level of development in the country.

As we are again about to witness, the 2023 general elections. We observed a newspaper article in which it was reported that the Igbo believe firmly that the next president of the country in 2023 would come from the south-east sub-region. We wish to assure all those who have contributed in making Nigeria a reality that, yes! South-east should not allow the fruits of their labour to be in vain. New Nigeria is now different; the Nation has now witnessed a lot of transformations.

We are appealing for your support to embrace the campaign to persuade the empower youth Senator-Chief Whip who have been walking the last mile. Senator Orji Uzor Kalu and the people’s governor to contest for the Nation’s number one seat as progressives for effective leadership in the country. These Senator and the people’s governor have distinguished themselves as true patriots by both their words and actions. If they accept to lead a cross section of prominent Nigerians, youths, women, all those progressive forces interested in the entrenchment of enduring democracy in Nigeria have vowed to support and vote for Sen. Chief Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu Khalifa-the successor and his vice Chief, Prof.the people’s governor.

Their reason was hinged on the fact that in the history of this nation there was no time when we had a youth civilian president. Only the military regime, that produces former Head of State, General Yakubu Gowon Rtd and the rest always dominate by the older generation.

If and when Senator Dr. Orji Kalu Chief Whip and our Chief. Prof.the people’s governor decides to contest; they should be supported because as evidenced by their sterling leadership qualities. The first two times Executive Governor and so far the only Senator Chief whip who was democratically elected Senator from Abia State and for APC and given the chance they can do the same for all Nigerians.

Another reason why Senator Chief Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu and Chief, Prof.the people’s governor should run for the presidency is that they will be in the best position to reconcile between the all parties’ presidential candidates APC and others, the political class and the military. 

We call on our father the current president to support the youth to contest the next presidential election, because of the peculiar circumstances in which the country has presently found itself.

Nigerians should give the dynamic youth leader a Senator a chance to contest since they have been tested and trusted for the states and the nation for an enduring democracy.

It is also our pleasure to congratulate the two-term Executive Governor and current Senator-Chief Whip and the Chief, Prof.the peoples ‘governor on the conferment of various traditional titles and award given to them nationwide. Given the chance they can do the same for all Nigerians during 2023 presidential elections on their platform. This goes a long way in illustrating the oneness and unity of Nigeria and the struggles by all both young and old to ensure that the right person succeeds and democracy prevails in Nigeria.

The youth, women and all peace loving people are calling on empower youth leaders Senator, Chief Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu to consider the appealing of peace loving Nigerians to accept to contest 2023 presidential race. The youth leaders are breaking the quarantine for peace and development in Nigeria as they are about to considered the appeal by Royal fathers, youths, women and prominent Nigerians to consider the imminent calls by millions peace loving Nigerians to contest the 2023 presidential race.

To the progressives, we are calling on them to join the present effort and ensuring that a lasting and durable democracy is entrenched by the year 2023 Nigerians in the group of project 2023 should allow the footsteps of this forum for the promotion of national stability, group by supporting the youth leaders.

A popular axiom says” youth are the leaders of tomorrow” that means, if you have bad youth in a country, that country must be prepared to have bad leaders. And a country with good youths certainly will produce good leaders from the Nigerian perspective it is change in the next level our leadership from old to young generation. As there is the need for our youth to be given the opportunity to serve the nation, while the old timers should confine themselves to playing advisory roles.

Sen. Chief, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu and our hero the people’s governor making Nigeria part of the 21 century are men of peace and leaders with mandates. We are mindful of their steady growth from grass to grace, Arise and walk to an exposition on the Nigeria Character, as they them-selves has put it, from local, state and regional to national and international affairs on which they left an unmistakable mark of candor, compassion and honesty.

Our main objectives, therefore is to introduce Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu and our hero the people’s governor as 2023 presidential candidates of our dear nation. We wish to request all Nigerians to come together and support this illustrious sons of the soil to kindly accept to contest the presidential elections. Several reasons can be given to support our humble request.

Youths, women and peace lovers will support INEC and Government to ensure a successful 2020 Edo Governorship election and also 2023 presidential and General elections under the transition period we urge the government to provide the necessary materials and security for the successful completion of the Edo Governorship election –ensuring violence free election and all the States local government elections.

Yours in Nation-building

Mallam isa Ibrahim , Maiduguri