Police Assets Hit By Gunmen In Frequent Attacks

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gunmen continued their reign of terror on security operatives on Wednesday. They killed policemen on duty and attacked public assets.

The gunmen killed two policemen in Akwa Ibom State, raided a police station in Abia State, attacked some Naval Ratings in Anambra State and killed a couple in Ogun State.

In Akwa Ibom, two policemen were killed by gunmen at a checkpoint in Urua Inyang, Ika Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. The gunmen rode on motorcycles at about 7pm on Tuesday.

The Akwa Ibom incident brought to five the number of policemen killed in the line of duty in the state in three months; four others were declared missing.

An eyewitness, Inimfon Silas, said some of the policemen fled when the gunmen opened fire.

The assailants carted away rifles and burnt a patrol van.

But the police said the gunmen were stopped from attacking a division and that the two officers were killed on their way home.

Silas told our reporter: “The armed hoodlums on several motorcycles stormed the checkpoint and shot the two officers dead. The others fled. The hoodlums seized their riffles and set their patrol van ablaze.”

Spokesman of the State Police Command, Odiko Macdon, said the Commissioner of Police Amiengheme Andrew, was already in Ika.

He said in a statement: “At about 7pm, some armed men on motorcycles, heading towards Ika Divisional Headquarters vicinity, armed with AK-47 and other dangerous weapons with the intent to attack the Division and set it ablaze met stiff resistance as the Divisional Police Officer and other officers on ground fought gallantly and repelled the attackers who took to their heels with possible bullet wounds.

“Unfortunately, before heading towards the station to attack it, they ambushed and killed a woman police corporal, Esther Akpan, who had just closed from duty and was on her way home in the company of a police special constabulary, Isonuyo Effiong Paul and burnt the Volvo vehicle attached to the division.

“The Commissioner of Police, who was at the Division for an on-the-spot assessment, condoled with the families of slain female officer and the special constabulary.”

The main building at the Nkporo Police Station in Ohafia, Abia State, was set ablaze by some gunmen, who burnt burnt exhibits, including motorcycles and cars and freed suspects in detention.

Police spokesman in Abia Geoffrey Ogbonna could not be reached, but a security operative confirmed the incident.

Nkporo is the hometown of the Abia State Deputy Governor Ude Oko Chukwu.