JUST IN: Court Orders FG to Pay Nnamdi Kanu’s Lawyer N5m Over Rights Violations

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The federal government has been ordered to pay N5 million to one of Nnamdi Kanu’s lawyers.

The lawyer, Maxwell Opara made this known in a Facebook post.

Opara is one of the lawyers representing the leader of the outlawed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu.

The court ordered FG to pay the money for violating his fundamental human right to dignity when he visited Kanu last week.

Sharing the news, he wrote:

“Hello Friends you recall that on the 6th day of September 2021, I narrated my ordeal and the unfortunate incident that occurred on my visit to my client: Mazi Nnamdi Kanu at the DSS Office Head Quaters Abuja. Recall that on my post relating the flagrant violation of my fundamental right, I explained and gave detailed event. With utmost joy and hope in our Justice system, I want to announce that Hon.Justice Zainab B. Abubakar of the Federal High Court 4 declared and held that the act of the DSS is a flagrant violation of my right and upon this premise, a cost of N5million was awarded against DSS in my favour and published an unreserved apology to me in the Daily Newspaper,”