I’ve Provided Advanced Weapons For Security Agencies To Defeat Bandits, Terrorists In Nigeria – Buhari

Reading Time: 2 minutes

President Muhammadu Buhari says his regime has provided adequate funds and weapons for security agencies in Nigeria to fight bandits and terrorists, calling on religious and traditional rulers for support.

“We have acquired advanced equipment for our armed forces and the police to strengthen their capacity to confront terrorism and banditry. We have made adequate budgetary allocations for security,” said Mr Buhari. “Whatever the security agencies request, I make it available to them immediately.”

He stated this at an Iftar dinner with religious and traditional rulers on Thursday in Abuja.

“Today, insecurity is one of the greatest challenges facing Nigeria’s existence. This administration has invested more resources than any other to tackle insecurity,” added the president. “But insecurity is a worldwide phenomenon. The cure and the answer is (sic) for all sections of society to do their bit and confront the criminals head-on.”

Mr Buhari pointed out that the “success of our armed and other security forces also depends” on intelligence about the activities of bandits and terrorists.

“Those aiding and abetting terrorists are helping to destroy their own communities. Our traditional and religious leaders have a key role to play in terms of improving intelligence gathering about the movement of and activities of criminals in their domain,” he stressed.

Mr Buhari added, “A similar effort is required now for all localities to work in full cooperation with security agents and Insha Allah, we shall see the back of this problem soon.”

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi, commended Mr Buhari’s efforts.

“We have so many positives to celebrate in our country. Yes, there are challenges but let us look more at our strengths than weaknesses,” Mr Ogunwusi said.

The general secretary of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Joseph Daramola, said he believed that “God is at work in Nigeria.”

“The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is able to bring our nation back to life, making every situation that looks impossible possible,” he said.